

Released fall of 2024 – 28 Bottles


Sotol de Aroma is the masterful creation of Maestro Eduardo, the revered teacher and grandfather of the Arrieta Brothers. Through years of distilling expertise, Eduardo knew that the heart of the distillation holds many unique nuances, with each segment offering its own distinct character. He divided the heart into four sections and found that the third section, when isolated, revealed the most extraordinary flavors and textures. This special discovery became known as Sotol de Aroma. Inspired by Eduardo’s journey, Jorge embraced the story behind Sotol de Aroma, and now, for the first time ever, Parejo is proud to offer this remarkable experience.

AROMA – This a special cut from just past the halfway point in the hearts, yielding only about ~22 liters

MAESTRO VINATEROS – Arrieta brothers, 5th generation

RAW MATERIAL – 100% wild Dasylirion Leiophyllum (the sotol plant)

VINATA – Aldama, Chihuahua, MX

PLANT SOURCE – El Placer, Chihuahua, MX

SOURCE CLIMATE – Extremely arid, little precipitation, elevation 3,800’

PLANT MATURITY – Madurado en verde 15 years

ROAST – 3 days in an underground conical horno with poplar wood, covered with volcanic stone

CRUSH – By hand with axe

WILD FERMENTATION – 7-10 days with ambient yeast in stainless steel & wood

DISTILLATION – Slow & steady in copper alembic fired by poplar wood

ADJUSTMENT METHOD – None, it is direct from the still