

Released fall of 2024 – 51 Bottles


After years of working closely with vinateros, Jorge Caldera often heard them speak of a special sotol – a sort of legendary recipe they stopped producing. The story goes that this is the unique sotol was reserved for celebrations, crafted only to mark significant milestones in their lives. To revive the tradition, Jorge and the Arrieta family sought out the wisdom of their elders. It is given the name CARNEY in honor of the main ingredient in the lost recipe: carne (meat). This tradition now continues on through the hands of Parejo vinateros.

To make Carney, for the second distillation, the vinateros suspend the meat inside the still and infuse the vino de sotol with local and seasonal fruits and spices. These additions add to the texture, aroma, and
flavor of these ancestral spirits. This edition was a collaboration between two vinateros. Polo Derma made the first distillation in El Potrero del Llano in 2020 with locally sourced leiophyllum. It was glass rested until February of 2022, when the Familia Arrieta carefully distilled it a second time with oranges, star anise, and goat.

CARNEY – This batch is distilled with goat, orange blossom, and star anise in the second distillation

MAESTRO VINATEROS – Hermanos Arrietas y Polo Derma

RAW MATERIAL – 100% wild Dasylirion Leiophyllum (the sotol plant)

VINATA – Chorreras, Chihuahua, MX

PLANT SOURCE – Potrero del LLano, Chihuahua, MX

SOURCE CLIMATE – Extremely arid, little precipitation, elevation 3,800’

PLANT MATURITY – Madurado en verde 15 years

ROAST – 3 days in an underground conical horno with poplar wood, covered with volcanic stone

CRUSH – By hand with axe

WILD FERMENTATION – 7-10 days with ambient yeast in stainless steel & wood

DISTILLATION – Slow & steady in copper alembic fired by poplar wood

ADJUSTMENT METHOD – With colas & well water until it is parejo